[*] The Lift Truck Operator Training Program

[*]A comprehensive interactive multimedia training program on CD-ROM designed to reduce lift truck accidents, promote safe work practices, help the professional lift truck operator prevent damage to products and prolong the life of his or her lift truck. Text, graphics, audio, and video are combined to create realistic scenarios employees can relate to.


[*]Course Outline:

This CD-ROM course is available in two versions -- a one-disc Compliance version and a two-disc Comprehensive version. Both include summaries and exercises on the topics covered.

Compliance Version (Item # 3301-1)

Comprehensive Version (Item # 3301-A2)


Both Compliance and Comprehensive versions include a Final Test designed to highlight the areas which may require additional review.

For more information, please contact:

Interactive Media Communications, Inc.
Email: imc@safetysite.com

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